Sharma, N., Whittaker, A. C., Watkins, S. E., Valero, L., Vérité, J., Puigdefabregas, C., Adatte, T., Garcés, M., Guillocheau, F., and Castelltort, S.: Water discharge variations control fluvial stratigraphic architecture in the Middle Eocene Escanilla formation, Spain, Scientific Reports, 13, 6834,, 2023.

Cabré, S. P., Valero, L., Spangenberg, J. E., Vinyoles, A., Verité, J., Adatte, T., Tremblin, M., Watkins, S., Sharma, N., Garcés, M., Puigdefàbregas, C., and Castelltort, S.: Fluvio-deltaic record of increased sediment transport during the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO), Southern Pyrenees, Spain, Climate of the Past, 19, 533–554,, 2023.

Font, E., Adatte, T. Abrajevitch, A., Mirão, J., Sharma, N., Sordet, V., and Andrade, M.: Integrated mineralogical and rock magnetic study of Deccan red boles. In Mass Extinctions, Volcanism, and Impacts: New Developments, GSA Special Papers, 199–222,, 2020.

M.I. Olariu, Sharma, N., Smith., V., Lorente, M.A. and Moscardelli L.G.: Short-term climatic perturbations in the Paleocene Lower Wilcox. Marine and Petroleum Geology

Sharma, N., Adatte, T., Vennemann, T., Schoene, B., Keller, G., Khadri, S., Adatte, T.: Paleoenvironmental implications of Deccan volcanism relative to the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction: evidences from the red bole record. Revision stage, Gondwana Research. preprint:

Sharma, N., Smith, V., Sivil, E., Kocsis, L., Brahimsamba, B., Lorente, M. A., Moscardelli, L.G.: Selandian Thanetian Transition Event (STTE) and its paleoclimatic signature along the Texas Gulf Coast. Geology

Sharma, N.: Paleohydraulic Reconstructions, Geochemical Signals and Intermittency Estimates from the Middle Eocene Escanilla Formation, Spain. University of Geneva, Switzerland (Thesis number: Sc. 5744). 2023.

Flaig, P. P., Garcia, K. L., Denison, C., Demchuk, T. D., Spangenberg, J., Campion, N., Adatte, T., Castelltort, S., Moscardelli, L., Sharma, N. (2024): Evidence for the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in outcrops, Bastrop County, Central Texas, USA. AAPG GeoGulf Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Valero, L., Adatte, T., Beamud, B., Garcés, M., López-Blanco, M., Sharma, N., Chanvry, E., Roigé, M., Peris, S., Guillocheau, F., Whittaker, A. C., Arbués, P., Puigdefabregas, C., and Castelltort, S. (2023): Magnetostratigraphy and stable isotopes record of Paleogene global climate events in a 30Myr expanded foreland basin succession, Isabena river, Southern Pyrenees, Spain. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU23-15220).

Sharma, N., Whittaker, A.C., Watkins, S., Valero, L., Vérité, J., Puigdefabregas C., Adatte, T., Garces, M., Guillocheau, F., Castelltort, S. (2022): Climate Controlled Fluvial Stratigraphic Architecture in the Middle Eocene Escanilla Formation, South-Central Pyrenees, Spain. American Geophysical Union (AGU), Chicago, USA (abstract: 1073087).

Sharma, N., Spangenberg, J., Vérité, J., Adatte, T., Castelltort, S. (2022): Climatic imprint of the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) in the Escanilla Formation, Spain. Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Sharma, N., Vérité, J., Whittaker, A.C., Guillocheau, F., Puigdefabregas C., Garces, M., Valero, L., Watkins, S., Adatte, T., Castelltort, S. (2022): Do upstream factors control fluvial stratigraphic architecture? Insights through quantitative paleohydrology. European Geo-sciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU22-1875).

Sharma, N., Valero, L., Watkins, S., Vérité, J., Prieur, M., Puigdefabregas, C., Whittaker, A.C., Garces, M., Guillocheau, F., Adatte, T., Castelltort, S. (2021): Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum, fluvial paleohydraulic reconstruction and geochemical signals from the Escanilla sediment routing system, Spain. Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland (virtual conference).

Sharma, N., Vérité, J., Watkins, S., Valero, L., Whittaker, A.C., Guerit, L., Garces, M., Puigdefabregas, C., Guillocheau, F., Adatte, T., Castelltort, S. (2020): paleohydraulic reconstructions of the Escanilla fluvial system, south-central Pyrenees, Spain. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting Abstracts (AGUFMEP011.11S) (virtual conference).

Watkins, S., Sharma, N., Valero, L., Tremblin, M., Zaki, A., Arlaud, F., Simpson, G., Guerit, L. and Castelltort, S. (2020): Upstream and downstream controls on aggradation in a small-scale physical river model: implications for fluvial stratigraphy. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting Abstracts (EP011-07).

Valero, L., Beamud, E., Garcés, M., Vinyoles, A., Sharma, N., Watkins, S. E., Tremblin, M., Puigdefabregas, C., Guillocheau, F., Whitakker, A. C., López-Blanco, M., Arbués, P., and Castelltort, S. (2020): Origin and propagation of sedimentary sequences throughout the Escanilla fluvial routing system (South Pyrenean foreland basin). European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (EGU2020-19537).

Sharma, N., Braun, J., Yuan, X., Guerit, L., Adatte, T., Castelltort, S. (2020): A numerical modelling approach to study sediment erosion, transport and deposition in a fluvial system. Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland.

Valero, L., Beamud, E., Garcés, E., Sharma, N., Tremblin, M., Watkins, S.E., Guillocheau, F., Whittaker, A.C., Puigdefabregas, C., López-Blanco, M. and Vinyoles, A. (2019): A new completely dated source-to-sink profile. Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Fribourg, Switzerland.

Sharma, N., Adatte, T., Sordet, V., Vennemann, T., Keller, G., Schoene, B., Khadri, S. (2018): Paleonvironmental implications of Deccan volcanism relative to the KTB extinction: evidences from the red bole record. Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Bern, Switzerland.

Sharma, N., Sordet, V., Adatte, T., Vennemann, T., Keller, G., Schoene, B., Khadri, S. (2018): Timing, Tempo And Paleoenvironmental Implications Of Deccan Volcanism Relative To The KPg Extinction: Evidences From The Red Bole Record. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-12463).

Sharma, N., Adatte, T., Sordet, V., Vennemann, T., Keller, G., Schoene, B., Khadri, S. (2018): Paleoenvironmental implications of Deccan volcanism relative to the KTB extinction: evidences from the red bole record. Swiss Geoscience Master Congress, Bern, Switzerland.

Sharma, N., Adatte, T., Sordet, V., Keller, G., Font, E., Schoene, B., Samperton, K., Khadri, S. (2017): Environmental Changes Associated With Deccan Volcanism: evidences from the red bole record. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU2017-7905).